Sindbad School of Sailing
Sindbad School of Sailing
Go Sailing! Sail With Sindbad & Learn A Skill For Life! Devoted to Teaching Safe Cruising Skills & Competent Seamanship

Lake Wabamun


Yes, you can learn to sail in Alberta
Every spring through fall, Sindbad School of sailing provides plenty of opportunity to go sailing on Lake Wabamun.
Located west of Edmonton in Alberta.
On the water courses start in May till October
Land based in class and correspondence courses are available as well.
Your sailing experience will be done on
24ft San Juan 'Arabesque'
Racing/Cruising sloop, or on your own cruising sailboat if desired and preferred.
Sailing Excursions, Lessons, Courses and Instruction on Windswept
Family sailing excursions

Sailing Excursions
For those who want a sailing
experience on Lake Wabamun
Skipper Excursions

Skipper Excursions
More on the water time and experience for qualified skippers
Introducing to sailing

Introducing to sailing
You're new to sailing/cruising and
want to discover what its all about
ISPA Sailing Program

ISPA Competent Crew Basic Sail
International sailing certificate, programs preparation for bare boat chartering or your own cruising sailboat
Learn to sail
Certificate Programs

PCOC Competent crew day skipper, Coastal navigation, Coastal skipper, WHF Marine radio certificate
Learn to race for certified Skippers

Learn to race
Fine tune your sailing skills and learn how to successfully race
Sail Safely and Confidently
At Sindbad School of Sailing many new sailors gain confidence, vital coast guard approved boat handing skills and safe boating techniques that add to the enjoyment and safety or their families and friends, who accompany them on their ventures on the water. We have been very pleased with the competence and skills of the students who have taken our lessons.

On the water practical experience with the safety net of a certified instructor combined with shore base theory and knowledge is the easiest and safest way to learn to sail.
Practical instruction helps to avid the multitude of problems that can arise when people try to learn to sail on their own through trial and error, narrowly avoiding disasters, surviving by the skin of their teeth and putting themselves and others at risk.
Investing in a competitively priced course with skilled instructor adds to the confidence and safety of all concerned and also reduce boat insurance premiums
Sindbad Students Learning Spinnaker Work
ISPA Certificate programs
Competent crew basic sail and Day skipper intermediate sail curses are thought through out each lesson on Lake Wabamun
The first level
Competent Crew basic sail, teaches fundamental basic knowledge essentials to live aboard cruising yacht, including proper crewing procedures and responsibilities, related to basic sailing, points of sail, basic keelboat cruising, general seamanship, anchoring and docking, emergency procedures, terminology, parts of the boat and more....
The second level
Days skipper Intermediate sail is where you can earn in a day only skipper certificate.
Where you can learn intermediate sailing, cruising knowledge, international buoyage system, collision regulations, passage preparations and planning, marine weather, tides and currents, basic navigation knowledge and much more....
Once students complete the first two levels, many continue on with our Coastal Navigation and advance Coaster Skipper sail courses on the west coast Vancouver Island with practical courses for certification. The coastal skipper certification is the recognized minimum requirement to charter boat on one's own and importantly is necessary for safe navigation by any skipper in coastal waters.
For more information about our courses please see our West Coast page.

Arabesque - 24 Ft. San Juan Racing/Cruising Sloop

Windswept racing on lake Wabamun. Windswept on the dock - Seba Beach Edmonton Yacht Club
Get Your VHF ROC(M)
Restricted Operator Certificate (Maritime)